The Existence of God (Part 1)

Mankind likes to debate the existence of God, however, the Bible makes it clear that there is no debate. This sermon introduces the topics and arguments we will look at over the weeks ahead. This includes:

  • Universal Belief: A universal belief in a supreme being or beings across cultures, even those isolated from outside influence. This belief, often expressed through rituals and customs, suggests an innate understanding of a higher power. This widespread belief must have a universal cause, placing the burden of proof on those who deny God’s existence.
  • Cause and Effect: The cosmological argument, which posits that everything must have a cause. Just as a house requires a builder, the complex world points to an intelligent creator, God.
  • Intelligent Design: The teleological argument, explaining that the intricate design observed in nature implies a designer, similar to how a watch’s purpose is evident in its structure. This argument challenges the idea that random chance or natural selection alone can account for the complexity of life.
  • Conscience: The anthropological argument, points to the human conscience as evidence for God. The innate sense of right and wrong, the feeling of obligation to a higher moral law, suggests the existence of a moral governor to whom humans are accountable.
  • Agreement with Reality: Belief in God aligns with the observed facts of the natural world and human nature. This belief provides a framework for understanding human intellect, morality, the laws of nature, and the human search for meaning.
  • Scriptural Testimony: The Bible as a reliable source of evidence for God’s existence. It is a historically accurate document that offers a consistent and satisfying explanation for the human condition and the existence of the universe. The Bible’s historical accounts, particularly those of the Jewish people and fulfilled prophecies, are best explained by the existence of God.

After introducing us to this study, we must ultimately conclude that while logical arguments provide compelling evidence, true proof of God’s existence comes through faith. God reveals himself to those who seek Him diligently, responding to their faith with further revelation. The Bible, through its message of Jesus Christ, offers a path to knowing God.

Our study begins in Romans 1:18-32.