Making Disciples (Part 1)

A disciple of Jesus is a student who is not only convinced that Jesus exists, but is also fully surrendered to Him and His will.

These are the characteristics of disciples of Jesus:

  • They are actively praying for and reaching others to share the Gospel.
  • They preach the Word of God instead of their own ideas.
  • Disciples spend time in the Bible and in prayer daily to avoid drifting away from God.
  • They give their time, talent, and treasure to God.
  • True disciples are not afraid to stand out and be different from the world.
  • They acknowledge Jesus publicly and follow His commands, even when others reject them.
  • Disciples strive to live in God’s will, not their own.
  • They reproduce by training and equipping other disciples.

A student must study and prepare in order to pass an exam. Likewise, a disciple must study the Bible and follow Jesus in order to please God and hear Him say “well done” at the Judgement Seat of Christ.

Our study begins in Matthew 28, join us!