Dispensations (Part 6)

During the Dispensation of Law, the Israelites’ repeated failures to uphold their end of the Mosaic Covenant characterized this time period. Despite witnessing God’s miraculous power in delivering them from Egypt, they quickly succumbed to doubt and disobedience.

  • Immediately after the Red Sea crossing, they expressed distrust in God’s provision when faced with bitter water (Exodus 15) and a lack of food (Exodus 16).
  • They disobeyed God’s specific instructions regarding the manna, revealing their struggle to obey even simple commandments (Exodus 16:19).
  • Upon reaching Mount Sinai, they boldly declared their commitment to obeying God’s laws (Exodus 19), yet their actions quickly betrayed their words by constructing a golden calf and engaging in idolatrous worship (Exodus 32).

This pattern of disobedience continued throughout the period of the Judges, with the source highlighting the recurring phrase, “Every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25). The Israelites’ persistent unfaithfulness ultimately led to severe consequences, including their captivity by the Assyrians and Babylonians.

Our study begins in Exodus 20.