Dispensations (Part 5)

During the Dispensation of Promise, God worked with Abraham to establish a great nation, Israel. This covenant promised blessings to Abraham, his descendants, and all who blessed them. Failure to believe this promise resulted in consequences, as seen in the cases of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Despite the failures of individuals, God remained faithful to His covenant, eventually bringing the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and into the Promised Land.

The promises of God are available to all who believe. We must claim and mix God’s promises with faith to experience their benefits. These promises include eternal life, salvation, forgiveness of sins, safety and security in Christ, care, constant presence, strength, help, and cleansing from sin. By studying God’s Word and praying to Him, we can discover and receive the blessings that He has promised to us.

Our study of this dispensation begins in Genesis 12.