Dispensations (Part 1)

As Pastor Tim introduces our study of dispensations, we look at an overview.

Dispensational theology divides God’s dealings with mankind into distinct time periods called dispensations. These dispensations, which are primarily found in the Bible, each have specific characteristics, responsibilities, and purposes. Seven primary dispensations are identified in Scripture:

1) Innocence: Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
2) Consciousness: Mankind after the fall, recognizing good and evil.
3) Human Government: Established after the flood, with Noah and his descendants given authority over the Earth.
4) Promise: God’s covenant with Abraham, establishing a chosen nation.
5) Law: God’s covenant with the Israelites through Moses, providing specific rules and regulations.
6) Grace: The current dispensation, characterized by the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
7) Millennial Kingdom: Christ’s reign on Earth for a thousand years after the tribulation.

Each dispensation presents opportunities for mankind to respond to God’s will and receive His blessings, but also highlights the consequences of disobedience. By understanding these dispensations, believers can gain a more coherent understanding of God’s plan and purpose for history and their role within it.

Our study begins in Ephesians 3:1-6.