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Do we have wisdom from God today, or do we depend upon our own wisdom? James 3:13-18 remind us of the importance of the wisdom from above! Especially when things are uncertain, when things don’t go the way we expect, that’s when we needs God’s wisdom. God’s wisdom, is it in you?
When we hear the word perfect, we often think of perfection. Yet another aspect is completeness. As God works to perfect, or complete, His child, He’s helping us to grow in different ways. Our sin nature desires to pull us from this and causes us to want to do things our own way, yet God…
Have you ever felt like you’ve reached the bottom of the barrel? In 1 Kings 17:1-16, we read of a widow woman and her son who were literally at the bottom of their barrel. Yet, in the midst of this, God asked them to take a step of faith and feed Elijah. God asked them…
We all need wisdom, yet how often do we seek the wrong wisdom? Only God’s wisdom stands the test of time and will benefit us in every circumstance. Proverbs is full of much wisdom and we’re looking to apply it as we study Proverbs 3:21-26 in this lesson on walking in wisdom.
As American Christians, it is easy for us to be comfortable in our daily lives. But have you ever considered that when you are comfortable, you don’t need comfort, or a Comforter? We’re not meant to be comfortable in this world as we’re to take up the cause of Christ and prepare for eternity. We…
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love. We see this in 2 Timothy 1:6-7 where God wants us to remember the great gift that we have in Him – eternal life! We can rest assured that God is in control and that He works all things together…
As Christians, we’re all aware, to some extent, that this life is preparation for eternity. Yet how often do we desire to not accept the preparation that God has for us? When we look at 1 Samuel 1, we see how Hannah to had to learn to accept the preparation that God had for her…
The world wants us to believe that truth is relative – whatever is true for you is fine for you. But God makes it clear in His Word that truth is relative to Him. We must therefore look to Him and His Word to discern that which is true. From 3 John 1-4 we are…
Wisdom that transcends all generations has been given to us in the Word of God. In this message, we look at Proverbs 9 and how to attain God’s wisdom from His Word.
We may joke about being “carnal Christians”, yet this is a very serious matter that Paul addresses in 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 on our need to desire the meet of the Word, to remain spiritual. When we think about our walk with Christ, do we see that we’re drawing others to Christ, or are we instead…