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Are you filling your daily need for nourishment from the Word of God and through prayer, or do you find yourself feeling kind of parched? In Jeremiah 17:5-10 we see that God wants us to be planted in the Word, nourished through our relationship with Him. Are you planted or parched today?
The world sees Christianity as very nonessential to daily life. Yet in Exodus 5, God made it quite clear to the Egyptians that fellowship with the Creator is as essential as it gets. Are we willing to face persecution, hardship, and extra burden in order to worship? Are we willing to return to the Lord…
Are you abiding in the vine? Friends, fellow Christians, if we’re not connected to the True Vine, we cannot succeed in the Christian life. John 15:1-16 makes it clear that we’re not to go through this life alone, but that we are to be abiding in Christ, so that He can abide in us, all…
Are you planted? Planted in the Word of God, rooted in the Spirit, drinking from the One Who promised we would never thirst again? Psalm 1 provides us with a great reminder that we must be firmly planted as Christians and as we look around us today, it should be even clearer to each of…
Is your relationship with your Savior nonessential? In Exodus 5:1-7, Pharaoh saw no essential need for the Israelites to go and worship God, yet God provided a way. What about your faith today? Is it an essential part of your everyday life or just something you do? We each need to take time to check…
The message of John 15:1-16 transcends time as we consider the need for the Christian of all ages to bear fruit. Part of that means that we have to allow the Master to prune us from time to time so that we can grow and be as fruitful as God knows we can be.
We all love to talk about freedom and liberty, especially as Americans, but the more restraint we try to remove, the less freedom and liberty we have. When we look at Galatians 5:1,13-15, and other passages, God makes it clear that the most peace, liberty, and freedom will have in this life is when we…
While Luke 15:11-32 may be a familiar passage to many, it’s important that we remember the father represented in the story – our Heavenly Father, who always waits with open arms and will run to greet us when we turn to Him! Friend, our Earthly father will never be perfect, but we have a Father…
In John 15:1-16 we find a familiar passage that reminds us that Christ is the vine, we are the branches. Yet how often do we neglect our source of strength and nutrition and try to go out on our own? We must be connected to this true vine if we hope to bear fruit and…
We often talk of the faithfulness of God, but what about us? Are we faithful to Him? Psalm 12:1-2 reminds us that even the faithful will fall away if they turn away from God. Today, as there are so many distractions in this world, let us be those that remain faithful in Christ, doing as…