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His Purpose, My Priority (Part 5)

Pastor Tim Travis centers on the idea of “His Purpose, My Priority,” using scriptural passages from 1 Thessalonians and Acts to illustrate God’s plan for each individual. Pastor Travis emphasizes that God has a unique and specific purpose for everyone, and this purpose is not defined by external factors like wealth, status, or physical characteristics.…

The Attributes of God (Part 5)

Pastor Tim Travis continues teaching on the attributes of God, specifically focusing on God’s eternality and immutability. Pastor Travis uses examples from the Bible, such as Psalm 90 and Malachi 3:6, to emphasize that God has always existed and will always exist, and He is unchanging in His nature and character. We first explore the…

The Attributes of God (Part 4)

Summary Pastor Tim Travis teaches on the omnipresence of God. He uses Jeremiah 23:23 and Psalm 139 to illustrate that God is present everywhere, always. Pastor Travis emphasizes that this omnipresence should be a source of comfort and encouragement for Christians, as it means God is always with us, guiding, protecting, and empowering us. He…

His Purpose, My Priority (Part 3)

Pastor Tim Travis examines Luke 14 as he conveys the importance of aligning our individual purposes with God’s purpose. He teaches that following Christ requires complete commitment and dedication, demanding us to prioritize God’s will above our own desires and ambitions. He illustrates this with parables, like the story of the rich young ruler, who…

The Attributes of God (Part 3)

Pastor Tim Travis looks at the attribute of God’s omnipotence, meaning His infinite and irresistible power. Pastor Travis explores God’s power as seen in creation, His dealings with mankind and Satan, and emphasizes that God’s power is limitless, eternal, and inexhaustible. He then explores the practical implications of this concept for believers, urging them to…

Attributes of God (Part 2)

Pastor Travis explores God’s omniscience, emphasizing its comforting implications for Christians today. Omniscience is God’s all-knowing nature, which is shown throughout the Bible. God’s omniscience assures us of our salvation, showing us that God knows each of us fully and offers unconditional acceptance. Pastor Travis further highlights how God’s omniscience ensures our present and future provision, urging us…

His Purpose, My Priority (Part 1)

This sermon encourages us to align one’s life with God’s purpose. Pastor Travis emphasizes that God has a unique purpose for each individual, just as businesses have mission statements. He uses the biblical examples of David and Solomon, where David’s desire to build a temple was fulfilled through his son Solomon, highlighting that God’s plans might differ…

The Attributes of God (Part 1)

This sermon introduces our study of the attributes of God where we will look at His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. Pastor Travis emphasizes that God possesses perfect knowledge of all things, including nature, human experience, and history. He reminds listeners that God is all-powerful, as seen in creation and His interactions with humanity and even Satan. Furthermore, God…