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This sermon encourages us to align one’s life with God’s purpose. Pastor Travis emphasizes that God has a unique purpose for each individual, just as businesses have mission statements. He uses the biblical examples of David and Solomon, where David’s desire to build a temple was fulfilled through his son Solomon, highlighting that God’s plans might differ…
This sermon introduces our study of the attributes of God where we will look at His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. Pastor Travis emphasizes that God possesses perfect knowledge of all things, including nature, human experience, and history. He reminds listeners that God is all-powerful, as seen in creation and His interactions with humanity and even Satan. Furthermore, God…
Pastor Travis emphasizes that loving one another, a key tenet of Christianity, should not be a mere sentiment or feeling, but rather an action that reflects Christ’s example. He reminds listeners that hatred only serves to blind individuals and lead them away from God’s will. Ultimately, pastor exhorts us to live in the light by demonstrating genuine, Christlike love for one another, becoming stepping stones…
Continuing our look at evidence for the existence of God, we look at the anthropological argument. Pastor Travis shows that humans possess an innate sense of morality, evident in our understanding of right and wrong, even without explicit knowledge of religious laws. This inherent morality is not a product of evolution but rather proof of…
Pastor Tim’s message centers around the Bible teaching that true Christians should be driven by a desire to serve God, not by worldly desires. Pastor emphasizes that it is impossible to serve both God and worldly desires, comparing this to trying to serve two masters. He stresses that true fulfillment comes from serving God and seeking…
Pastor Travis focuses on proving the existence of God to non-believers using the teleological argument, also known as the argument from intelligent design. The core idea is that the complexity and order of the universe, particularly intricacies like the human eye and the process of photosynthesis, point to the necessity of a creator, which Christians believe to…
Pastor Tim Travis focuses on the need for Christians to serve the Lord and not men. Pastor begins by establishing the context of Colossians as a letter addressing the universal problem of sin. He then delves into the text, emphasizing the importance of doing everything heartily as unto the Lord and not for human validation. He underscores the ephemeral…
Pastor Travis presents a defense of the existence of God, referred to as the cosmological argument. It posits that the universe, with its intricate design and natural laws, could not have come into existence by itself and must have a First Cause, an uncaused cause. This First Cause, possessing characteristics like omnipotence and intelligence, aligns with the Biblical…
Pastor Tim Travis brings us to the book of Galatians, as he urges Christians to “Stand Fast… in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free,” to advocate for a recommitment to God and God’s ways. He draws parallels between the spiritual downfall and captivity of the Israelites and the current state of the United…
Pastor Tim looks at the existence of God based on what it calls the “Universal belief in a one true God.” Pastor emphasizes that belief in a supreme deity is a naturally occurring phenomenon found in cultures across the globe and throughout history. He supports this claim by highlighting examples such as the ancient Greeks,…