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Temptation is all around us, every day, every where. However, 1 Corinthians 10:13 reminds us that God is faithful, and if we’ll cling to Him in those moments, He will deliver us. Friends, let us be more like Joseph and flee temptation!
As we continue our study on being a disciple of Christ, we see through Luke 9:23-24 that a disciple is to be set apart. Disciples must be surrendered to Christ and allowing Him to control their lives as a living sacrifice.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 describes to us the last of 5 crowns we can obtain as Christians – the Incorruptible Crown for mastery of the flesh. Friend, are you running the race on earth to obtain these crowns? Or are you just going through life letting happen what ever happens? Christ wants us to run to…
As we’re fruitfully fulfilling the will of God, there will come times where we must endure as soldiers of Christ, carrying on when we meet trials of the faith. 2 Timothy 2:1-5 exhorts us of the need for this endurance as Christians. Will you endure today?
What does it mean to be a true disciple of Christ? In Matthew 11:28-30, we learn that it means that we’re yoked with Christ – fully surrendered, yielding to His will, ready to go wherever He leads us, to rest our soul with Him. Won’t you be a disciple of Christ?
The Bible tells us of different crowns we can win as Christians. In James 1:12, we see the crown of life, given to those that love God. So often we spend time caring for our homes, job, etc – but are we also taking the time to ensure we’re winning the crowns that will last…
As Christians, we should strive to know and do the will of God. Psalm 143:10-11 reminds us that God is teaching us His will as we go through life and look to apply the Word of God to each action that we take. To the unsaved, be saved – that is the will of God!…
To be a disciple means to be a follower or student of someone who then becomes someone who brings others to understanding what is being taught. Many Christians today take the first step of listening to the teachings of Christ, like we see in Matthew 4:18-22; 5:1, but never progress to the next stage of…
There’s a myth that God is impersonal, not caring about our lives and what we do. Yet the opposite is what we see in the Bible. God is a personal, involved God who wants a relationship with each of us. In Genesis 4:1-16, we see that even in our sin, God is there, waiting for…
What’s your religion? This question seems simple and we might be tempted to answer, “well, I’m Baptist” or some such thing. Yet the Bible teaches that God isn’t after a denominational affiliation, He’s after a relationship. When we come together to worship, let it be with purity and a true desire to seek after our…