Welcome to our online sermon archive! We’re just starting out, so check back regularly for updates.
Are you ready for the wedding feast? In Ephesians 5:23-25 we’re reminded of Christ’s love for the church – so great that He gave His life for it! What about us today? Are we looking for His coming and showing the way to those around us?
Words matter. Do we consider our words or just speak what comes to mind? James challenges us in James 3 with our need to control the tongue, to be careful what goes into our heart. We may change someone’s eternity because of our words!
What do we spend our time thinking about? Are we more concerned with the things of Earth or the things of Heaven? Paul continues to challenge the Philippians 4:1-23 to press toward the mark – what about us today? Will we press toward the mark?
As in the days of Noah – it sure seems like we’re there! As we read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, we should be reminded of the promise of our Savior to return for us one day. But in the meantime, are we doing our part to reach those around us with the hope of eternity?
When we study the Word of God, we find that God’s ways are not our ways. In Genesis 13:1-17:8 we see time and time again that man tried to do things their way, but God had a process, even their mess ups. Will you trust the process of God in your life?
Paul exhorts us to stay the course, to press toward the mark. In Philippians 2:16-3:21 we look at our need to stay focused, to live the crucified life, to be encouraged, aware, and cautious as we live each day to know Christ more.
The Bible tells us much about what to expect in the end times. In this sermon, join us for a quick survey from Matthew to Revelation.
How do we press toward the mark? Paul gives us a lot to learn from in Philippians 1:1-2:16. Let’s set our focus on Christ as we press on together!
How often do we face situations and decide not to wait for God? In Genesis 12:1-4, Abram had a decision to make – Trust God and leave everything he’d ever known or stay put. What about you today – will you trust the process?
As Christians, Paul reminds us that we must continue to press toward the mark in Philippians 3:14. Are we ready to press forward no matter what might come before us in 2021? Let us join together with Christ as we press on!