Welcome to our online sermon archive! We’re just starting out, so check back regularly for updates.
Galatians 6:7-9 is an important reminder that God misses nothing – what we sow, we will reap, there are no crop failures in life. Friends, we need to make sure we’re taking the time to sow in the Spirit and not in the flesh, for all that is done in the flesh will see corruption,…
As Christians there’s a need for us to unite as we serve God in the important ministry of bringing people to Christ. Mark 2:1-12 gives us the account of 4 men who worked together to bring one sick to Jesus to be healed. If they hadn’t worked together, that man’s life would have been much…
In Matthew 18:11-13 we’re given the example of Christ going after the one that has wandered off, are we willing to follow this example and do our part to share the Gospel with those we know?
Is the Son of God your Savior today? As we study 1 John 5, the evidence is clear, there is no other way, Jesus is our Savior Who paid for the sins of the world if we will but accept His gift to us today. Friend, don’t you want to be sure of eternity?
As Christians, we are called to be separate. Not in a snobby, better than thou sort of way, but in a way that allows us to show the world what a life lived for Christ is all about. Paul writes of this in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. Listen as we study this important principle from the…
Our walk with our Savior is the most important walk there is – but are we successful in our walk? In 1 John 1:5-9, the need to walk in the light, to fellowship with Him, and to live righteously is made evident, but how do we do that? Listen as we study the Word of…
God’s love is far, far different from the world’s love. His love is never forced. It is always freely given. In 1 John 4:7-21 we’re given a glimpse of the magnitude of this love of God!
We have so very much to be thankful for today! The Psalm writer reminds us in Psalm 116:16-18 and throughout scripture of the need to give thanks to our Creator. Friends, if we’d take more time thanking God for what we have, a lot of the world’s troubles would be no more. Let us thank…
As we follow God, we should come to expect great things from God as we attempt great things for Him. Isaiah, in Isaiah 54:1-4, wanted Israel to trust God, to enlarge the place of their tent, to prepare for what God had for them. Today, what are we doing? What are our expectations?
Jesus Christ is the Light of the world, and as His followers, we’re to be reflecting that light to those around us. Ephesians 5:1-20 reminds us of the importance of being a light in a dark world so that others may find eternal life. Will you let your light shine today?