Welcome to our online sermon archive! We’re just starting out, so check back regularly for updates.
A look at the wisdom found in God from Proverbs 13.
Our strength can only come from God. When we properly depend upon Him, we will have strength to overcome all things. 1 Samuel 17 reminds us of the great things we can do for God!
Our continued study of 2 Timothy.
The Samaritans were always looked down upon by the Jews, but Jesus made the time to go through knowing that the woman at the well and those in the town would receive Him as Savior. Friend, are we taking the time to tell those around us about Jesus?
How we need to be in the Word of God today! 1 Thessalonians 2:13 reminds us of the great need to be rooted in the Word of God so that we can effectively work and grow in Christ. Friend, are you taking time in the Word of God today?
2 Timothy 2:1-21 encourages us as we endure for Christ Jesus though this life. Friends, we must not let the things of this world get in the way of the mission for which we were called – sharing the Gospel with those we encounter!
Mark 10:46-52 tells us of the encounter between Blind Bartimaeus and Jesus. This man realized his need for Jesus and wouldn’t let others stand in his way. What about us today? What is keeping us from Jesus? Is our faith bigger than our fear?
You might say, “How can I know the will of God?” Are you in the Word, are you studying? As we study the word of God and develop our roots in Him, the will of God becomes clearer to us. Friends, there is no greater place than the will of God!
2 Timothy 1:1-18 is a great reminder of our need to be closer to our brothers and sisters in Christ as we go through this life. We must encourage one another in the faith as we use our gifts to build Christ’s church!
What a need we have to be in the presence of God! Joshua had this need as he prepared to battle Jericho and God met with him in Joshua 5:13-15. Are we seeking God’s presence today or are we just trying to get by? We’re missing out in what this life has to offer if…