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Making a difference in your circle of influence by keeping Jesus at the center is of utmost importance as we consider the predominance of evil in our nation. Asa, in 1 Kings 15:9-15, had no small task of making a difference as even his mother had turned away from God. Yet Asa had the courage…
Our study of Thessalonians continues as we look at 1 Thessalonians 5 and some of the things of the end times as well as attributes for our lives as we learn to pray without ceasing.
How often do we think of being a servant to others? When we consider Eliezer in Genesis 24:1-27, he was given great responsibility as a servant of Abraham to find Isaac a bride. Christ Himself was the ultimate servant as He came to earth and bore our sins upon the cross. Who will we serve…
From John 1:1-5 we see that this is God’s World (He created it), so let’s do it God’s Way (He is the only way of salvation), and then follow God’s Will for our life (through the reading of God’s Word and obeying it). This is not a 3-step plan for fame, fortune, success, or a…
Ignorance is no excuse. As we study 1 Thessalonians 3:1-5:6, it is important for us to remember that God put all things in the Bible that we be without excuse.
Each day we are sowing. John 4:34-38 reminds us of the importance of sowing things that matter for eternity.
Are we walking in and by faith each day? Matthew 14:22-32 reminds us how Peter walked on water until he took his eyes off of Jesus. Yet that is a fact of life, we all look away – but how quickly do we turn back to Christ?
As we study 1 Thessalonians 2:1-3:5 we recognize the timelessness of the Word of God – it’s as true for us today as it was when Paul wrote it! Friends, as we look toward the return of our Savior, let us come together and worship our Creator.
Are we eager to be close to God? When we study Exodus 19, we recognize that not everyone chooses to be close to God – but what’s our desire today? We are as close to God as we choose to be!