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Christian Characteristics (Part 3) – Anger Management

Pastor Tim Travis focuses on anger management within a Christian context, using Ephesians 4:26 as a springboard. Pastor Travis argues that anger itself is not inherently sinful but becomes so if improperly handled, emphasizing the importance of discerning between righteous and unrighteous anger. Travis then offers practical guidance on identifying the root causes of anger,…

God With Us (Part 1)

Pastor Tim Travis focuses on Matthew 1’s account of Jesus’ birth, emphasizing the virgin birth as literal truth and refuting contrary interpretations. Pastor Travis uses this narrative to highlight the importance of biblical literacy, faith in God’s promises, and the unwavering obedience demonstrated by Joseph and Mary. He connects this historical event to contemporary challenges of faith, urging listeners towards…

Gratitude Adjustment (Part 4)

Pastor Tim Travis focuses on the crucial role of gratitude in Christian faith. He uses biblical passages from Colossians 3 and Romans to argue that ingratitude leads to spiritual decline and moral failings, ultimately culminating in a self-centered existence. Pastor Travis contrasts this with a life of thankfulness, which fosters a deeper relationship with God, promotes…

Christian Characteristics (Part 2) – Steadfast, Unmovable, Abounding

Pastor Tim Travis focuses on the importance of steadfastness, immovability, and abounding in the work of the Lord for Christians. He uses biblical passages, particularly from 1 Corinthians 15:58, to support his argument that believers should maintain their faith, consistently grow spiritually, and actively engage in spreading the Gospel. Pastor Travis incorporates Winston Churchill’s famous…

Gratitude Adjustment (Part 3)

Pastor Tim Travis emphasizes the vital importance of gratitude in a Christian life. Using Psalm 116 as a foundation, Pastor Travis argues that thankfulness is not merely optional but a commanded aspect of faith, citing numerous biblical passages to support this claim. He contrasts the abundance enjoyed by many in America with the hardships faced by others globally,…

Christian Characteristics (Part 1) – Discernment

Pastor Tim Travis focuses on discernment as a crucial characteristic of mature Christians. He begins in Hebrews 5:11-14 to illustrate how discernment involves distinguishing between good and evil, aligning one’s actions with God’s will, and considering the impact on others. Pastor Travis emphasizes that true discernment stems from a deep relationship with God, diligent study of scripture, and prayerful consideration,…

Gratitude Adjustment (Part 2)

Pastor Tim Travis preaches on the topic of gratitude and America’s Christian heritage. Travis uses Psalm 33 as a starting point to discuss how America has historically been a nation blessed by God, especially due to its foundation on biblical values and its emphasis on righteousness. Pastor Travis contrasts the prosperity of nations that honored…

The Moral Attributes of God (Part 5) – Lovingkindness & Love

Pastor Tim Travis teaches on the topic of God’s lovingkindness and love. He begins by exploring the theological concepts of lovingkindness and love, drawing on scriptures from Jeremiah 31:3 and 1 John 4 to emphasize God’s unconditional love for his children. He then delves into the nature of lovingkindness as a characteristic of God, highlighting…

Gratitude Adjustment (Part 1)

Pastor Tim Travis examines 1 Thessalonians 5 as he passionately calls for Christians to cultivate a deeper and more consistent spirit of thankfulness. Using the Bible as his guide, Pastor Travis emphasizes that giving thanks isn’t a mere formality; it’s a vital practice for spiritual growth and obedience. He emphasizes three key themes: 1) The importance…

The Moral Attributes of God (Part 4) – Mercy and Grace

Pastor Tim Travis looks at Ephesians 2:4-10 as he focuses on two key attributes of God: mercy and grace. Pastor Travis begins by establishing the importance of understanding God’s character and how knowing Him leads to greater love and encouragement. He then contrasts God’s mercy and grace with the harshness of other so called deities,…