Welcome to our online sermon archive! We’re just starting out, so check back regularly for updates.
Our Father’s business, there’s no other like it! Friend, God has employed us to reach the world – will we do it? Join us as we study the Word of God together from Luke 2:41-52.
God comes to us and expects us to respond to Him. He then wants us to come to Him, so He can respond to us. This is an important part of our personal relationship with Him. Join us as we study together from James 5:13-20.
How important it is for us to pass on our heritage with the future generations, especially when it comes to our faith. In scripture, this was often done by setting up memorial stones. How will we ensure future generations remember to walk with God? Join us as we study from Joshua 4:1-9.
Are you praying? Are you getting through to God? In order to get our prayers answered, these are important steps to take! Join us as we study together from John 14:13-14.
How will our attitude affect our service to our Lord and Savior? Join us as we study together from Matthew 5.
No one (aside from Adam and Eve) exists without a mother, yet how often do we overlook their contributions to our lives? Praise God for Mothers and join us as we study their important role together from Ephesians 6.
God desires to answer our prayers, but are we praying according to His will? Join us as we study from John 14:12-14.
The attitudes that please God are outlined in the Beatitudes – join us in this study from Mathew 5:1-12.
“….choose you this day whom ye will serve; …but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” This is a powerful statement from Joshua about the priority of God in his life. What about you today, have you made a decision to follow and serve the Lord? Join us as we study…
Are we faithful and wise? God wants us to be dependable as we walk with Him and there is a great need for those that are found faithful in the church today. Join us as we study the Word of God together from Matthew 24:42-51.