Welcome to our online sermon archive! We’re just starting out, so check back regularly for updates.
Woe to the nation whose god is not the God of Heaven! Join us as we look at how quickly we turn from God to our own ways and our need to trust God at all times, beginning in Isaiah 5:8-25.
Before the rapture, all will face death. It’s not something we like to think or talk about, but it is reality and we need to be prepared. Join us as we study together from God’s Word starting in Hebrews 9:27-28.
How much do we trust God? Enough to take action? Friend, we need Christians today that will just do what God says and stand up as Nehemiah did – will we? Join us as we study the Word of God together from Nehemiah 1:1-9.
Hell is a real place that no one should desire to go to! Jesus’ gift of salvation is free to all and through trusting Him as our Savior we will not spend eternity in Hell. Join us as we study the reality of Hell starting in Luke 12:4-5.
As a nation will we follow the path of Israel as we turn from God? What about as His followers? Join us as we study the Word of God together from 2 Kings 25.
Like Heaven, Hell is a very real place that no one should desire to go to. If you don’t know where you’d go when you die – won’t you drop us a note so we can talk to you about God’s free gift of Salvation? Join us now in our study of Hell from the…
Freedom is not free. The Freedom we have in America came at a cost, but the freedom we have in Christ cost so much more! Join us as we study together from Psalm 33.
God has prepared a place for you if you have accepted His free gift of salvation – what a glory it is. Join us as we study the reality of Heaven together from 2 Peter 3:9-14 and Revelation 21:1-8.
In God we trust should be more than just a slogan – it should be a reality! Join us as we study this importance of trusting God together beginning in Psalm 33.
While the Bible doesn’t tell us a lot about Heaven, it is a real place that Christians should be looking forward to! Join us as we study from the Word of God in John 14:1-4 and 2 Corinthians 4:15-18.