As a Christian, we might sometimes wonder if it’s all worth it, why bother, why go to church and be faithful in tithing. Yet when Christ asked the disciples this in John 6:67-71, the answer is clear to all of us – Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.
The Word of God – how precious is it to you? Is it precious enough to you that you’re willing to stake your whole reputation on it? In 1 Kings 18 we see that Elijah was willing to do that very thing as the Word of the Lord came to him and he obeyed. If…
Have you ever felt like you’ve reached the bottom of the barrel? In 1 Kings 17:1-16, we read of a widow woman and her son who were literally at the bottom of their barrel. Yet, in the midst of this, God asked them to take a step of faith and feed Elijah. God asked them…
The world wants us to believe that truth is relative – whatever is true for you is fine for you. But God makes it clear in His Word that truth is relative to Him. We must therefore look to Him and His Word to discern that which is true. From 3 John 1-4 we are…
Wisdom that transcends all generations has been given to us in the Word of God. In this message, we look at Proverbs 9 and how to attain God’s wisdom from His Word.