Words matter. Do we consider our words or just speak what comes to mind? James challenges us in James 3 with our need to control the tongue, to be careful what goes into our heart. We may change someone’s eternity because of our words!
As a nation, we no longer claim to be under God, but more that we’re done, or over, with God. In Isaiah 59:1-4 we see how God dealt with Israel when they went away from God. What will be our legacy? Will we recognize that the only way to succeed is when we’re under God?
As Christians, we should strive to know and do the will of God. Psalm 143:10-11 reminds us that God is teaching us His will as we go through life and look to apply the Word of God to each action that we take. To the unsaved, be saved – that is the will of God!…
The God of the Bible is not one shrouded in mystery, but one Who is revealed to us in detail. As we study the detail, we see so much about His love toward us, imperfect that we may be, and how He has a plan for each and every one of us. Romans 1:18-32 reminds…
When God created us, He created us with an innate desire to worship. God’s desire for our worship is not hidden, as it is clearly called out in the Bible. John 4:21-26 reminds us of our need to worship our Creator in Spirit and in Truth in a manner that is according to His Word.
Can I know God? Does He care about me? Or is He uncaring and just watching and laughing? If we will but study the Word of God, it is clear that from the beginning in Genesis 1:26-27 that God cares very much about each of us and wants a deep relationship with us as individuals.
When it comes to worshiping our Creator, are we on our own, or does He tell us what He wants? As we study the Word of God, we find that we don’t have to use our imagination, but that God has given us instruction for this important area of our lives and relationship with Him.…
Are you filling your daily need for nourishment from the Word of God and through prayer, or do you find yourself feeling kind of parched? In Jeremiah 17:5-10 we see that God wants us to be planted in the Word, nourished through our relationship with Him. Are you planted or parched today?
Are you planted? Planted in the Word of God, rooted in the Spirit, drinking from the One Who promised we would never thirst again? Psalm 1 provides us with a great reminder that we must be firmly planted as Christians and as we look around us today, it should be even clearer to each of…
Is your relationship with your Savior nonessential? In Exodus 5:1-7, Pharaoh saw no essential need for the Israelites to go and worship God, yet God provided a way. What about your faith today? Is it an essential part of your everyday life or just something you do? We each need to take time to check…