Pastor Tim Travis focuses on the Christian virtue of controlling one’s tongue, drawing heavily from James 3:1-12. Travis emphasizes the powerful and destructive potential of words, using vivid imagery (bit, rudder, fire) to illustrate how even small actions can have immense consequences. Pastor Travis highlights the importance of consistent speech aligned with Christian values, contrasting the destructive…
Adam Umpleby argues from Psalm 78:4-8 that Christians have a responsibility to pass on their faith, love, and wisdom to future generations. He emphasizes four key areas: a legacy of faith, a legacy of love, a legacy of wisdom, and a legacy of service. Umpleby uses biblical examples and stories to illustrate these concepts, urging…
“….choose you this day whom ye will serve; …but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” This is a powerful statement from Joshua about the priority of God in his life. What about you today, have you made a decision to follow and serve the Lord? Join us as we study…
How do we make our decisions? Do we pray and consider the principles of the Word of God or do we dive in without a second thought? Join us as we look at this important topic from Genesis 13:1-11.
We all have choices to make each and every day. Not all of them are life altering, but when we make decisions that don’t follow the standards of God we establish a pattern that leads to destruction. Join us as we stud how to make wise choices from the Word of God beginning in Galatians…
When we consider all that God has given us – are we using it in a worthy manner? Join us as we study the Word of God form Ephesians 4:1-6 on this topic.
The world is busy doing what is right in its own eyes and wrong in the eyes of God much like Israel did in Judges 21:25. Will we, as followers of Christ, choose a different path? Will we choose to be led by God’s wisdom and the knowledge He provides through the Bible?
Are you an example to other Christians? This is one of the many things that Paul encourages Timothy to be as we study 1 Timothy 4:1-5:8 in this lesson!
A look at the wisdom found in God from Proverbs 13.
One of the most valuable gifts from God is time, it’s also one of the most wasted. In James 4:13-15 , James reminds us of the importance of our time on earth – are we spending it in light of eternity?