From John 1:1-5 we see that this is God’s World (He created it), so let’s do it God’s Way (He is the only way of salvation), and then follow God’s Will for our life (through the reading of God’s Word and obeying it). This is not a 3-step plan for fame, fortune, success, or a…
You might say, “How can I know the will of God?” Are you in the Word, are you studying? As we study the word of God and develop our roots in Him, the will of God becomes clearer to us. Friends, there is no greater place than the will of God!
John writes to us in 1 John 2:15-29 about our need to not love the things of this world but to get our focus to the things that matter eternally. Are we willing to sacrifice a little to gain it all as we do the will of the Father?
As we’re fruitfully fulfilling the will of God, there will come times where we must endure as soldiers of Christ, carrying on when we meet trials of the faith. 2 Timothy 2:1-5 exhorts us of the need for this endurance as Christians. Will you endure today?
As Christians, we should strive to know and do the will of God. Psalm 143:10-11 reminds us that God is teaching us His will as we go through life and look to apply the Word of God to each action that we take. To the unsaved, be saved – that is the will of God!…