There is often uncertainty today over what the truth is. God leaves us with no doubt when it comes to the truth about Him. Galatians 1:6-18 remind us to cling to the truth, to not go after other gospels or teaches that we might fancy, but to cling to the truth of salvation.
2 Timothy 3 warns us of the things we will see in the last days as people turn from God and go their own way. We’ve seen a great decline in Americans have come to depend on their wealth and prosperity instead of their Creator. What about you today? Do you continue to give credit…
Throughout history, God has been looking for faithful people to serve Him. In the book of Esther, we’re reminded how a young lady was able to use her bad circumstances to save God’s people. There are no accidents or coincidences for the Christian – are we ready to serve God where we are today?
Have you ever had someone not carry through on their promise to you? Unfortunately, this is all too common in our world. In Luke 24:13-49, Christ makes it clear that He is the fulfillment of many of God’s promises, and that He will fulfill more in the future. Friend, if you’re tired of broken promises,…
When my heart is overwhelmed, we are reminded in Psalm 61 to go to the Rock that is higher and mightier than I am. God is in control, we must trust in Him!
Jesus warns us over and over again about deception. In Matthew 24:4-6, 11, 24 we see some of these warnings to us. Christ reminds us that we must cling to the truth and be so familiar with God’s Word that we easily recognize things that would lead us from the truth of God.
Many have this idea that becoming a Christian means life will be easy. That is far from the truth and far from what the Word of God teaches. What God tells us in James 1:3-6,12 is that these trials are allowed in our lives to allow us to be drawn closer to God, to depend…
We often talk of the faithfulness of God, but what about us? Are we faithful to Him? Psalm 12:1-2 reminds us that even the faithful will fall away if they turn away from God. Today, as there are so many distractions in this world, let us be those that remain faithful in Christ, doing as…
My best is never as good as what God has in mind. That became clear as Gideon was told to go down to only 300 men to fight the Midianites in Judges 7:13-23 – but when Gideon did as God told him to do, he didn’t even have to lift a sword to defeat the…
In 1 Samuel 16 & 17, we see the account of Saul sinning against God and David’s promotion from Shepherd to giant killer. As God prepared David to be king, we see that He used many events in David’s time as shepherd to prepare him for the encounter with the David, by growing his faith…