Being patient comes naturally for some people. Many, however, have to have it now. James 5:7-14 reminds us of the importance of patience in our life and in our relationship with God as we wait on Him to fulfill His promises in our lives.
One of the many attributes of God is that He is our Comforter. In 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 we see the necessity to go to God for all our comfort instead of the things of this world. Whom will you depend on in your time of need?
Job should be an inspiration to all of us. As we look at his life and how he responded in Job 1:20-22, we see that even in defeat he trusted God.
As we sing the timeless hymn “Who is on the Lord’s Side” we’re reminded of the journey of the Israelites in Exodus 14:13-15:1. Facing a sea on one side and a vast army on the other, they had a choice – Trust God and journey to the other side of the sea or return to…
The Israelites had a choice presented to them in Exodus 14:9-20 when they faced the Red Sea – Trust God or trust man. God never gives up on us, He is always working to grow and mature His children. Sometimes more faith is needed, but in the end, what side of the sea are you…
God has a process for our lives – will we trust it? In Genesis 32, we see one of Jacob’s many struggles to trust God’s process and rely upon him. But Jacob persisted and was blessed by God through it all. Let’s learn together to trust God’s process!
When we study the Word of God, we find that God’s ways are not our ways. In Genesis 13:1-17:8 we see time and time again that man tried to do things their way, but God had a process, even their mess ups. Will you trust the process of God in your life?
How often do we face situations and decide not to wait for God? In Genesis 12:1-4, Abram had a decision to make – Trust God and leave everything he’d ever known or stay put. What about you today – will you trust the process?
Satan seeks to destroy us. Sometimes through spiritual attacks, but 1 Corinthians 5:1-6 warns us that sometimes these are attacks to our body. Friend, we must be ready and heeding what God tells us in His Word!
The Bible is full of warnings to nations who’s god is not God. Isaiah 5:7-23 reminds us of what happens as we depart from the ways of God. Will we stand firm in the teachings of God or go the way of the world?