Not everything is good or beneficial for us, we need to have discernment. God wishes to deal with each of us as adults, but when we don’t have discernment, many times we leave God to deal with us as children. Join us as we study the Word of God from 1 Corinthians 10:23.
When we face temptation, God has promised that He is there with us. In James 1 we see that He will provide a way out when we lean upon Him and don’t depend upon our own strength.
Will we rob God? We all of course respond no! Yet how many of us do? This was an issue for Israel in Malachi 3:8-12 and it’s an issue for us today – we must prioritize God and invest in the eternal!
Matthew 6:19-34 serve as a great reminder of our need to keep our priorities straight all the way down to the pocket book. We must remember that God gave us all that we have and without Him there is nothing.
What a difference we can make when we live for Jesus! In 1 Kings 17:1-7, Elijah made a difference as he learned to obey the Word of God and confront wicked king Ahab. As we go through our Christian walk, who are we focused on pleasing – God or man?
The heart of the believer should never be sold to the world and Satan. In Proverbs 4:23 we see that we must put effort into keeping our heart as we seek the Lord and His ways.
Our need to maintain the roots of our faith is as great today as ever it was. In Colossians 1:9-27, Paul expands on our need to be fruitful as we go through each day – reading the Word, praying with God, and telling others of what He’s done in our life.
Are your beliefs for sale? As the world tries to sway us this way and that, Christ wants us to be solid in our beliefs and values and follow Him. Proverbs 23:23 makes it clear that we need to stand upon the truth that can only be found in God.
As we look to grow and develop in our Christian walk, we must be rooted and built up in Jesus Christ. Paul makes this clear in Colossians 2:7 and throughout 2022 we make it our goal to be encouraged in Christ as we grow, remain steadfast, and look for opportunities to serve.
How often is Jesus passing by our lives unnoticed? In John 9:1-12 we read of the blind man who encountered Jesus but had to take a step of faith by going and washing in the pool of Siloam. Once he did, he received his sight. Friend, are you willing to take a step of faith…