Pastor Tim Travis emphasizes the vital importance of gratitude in a Christian life. Using Psalm 116 as a foundation, Pastor Travis argues that thankfulness is not merely optional but a commanded aspect of faith, citing numerous biblical passages to support this claim. He contrasts the abundance enjoyed by many in America with the hardships faced by others globally,…
Pastor Tim Travis examines 1 Thessalonians 5 as he passionately calls for Christians to cultivate a deeper and more consistent spirit of thankfulness. Using the Bible as his guide, Pastor Travis emphasizes that giving thanks isn’t a mere formality; it’s a vital practice for spiritual growth and obedience. He emphasizes three key themes: 1) The importance…
As Christians, we are called to be a thankful people. God has given us much and He blesses those who remember from Whom it comes. Join us as we study the Word of God together from Colossians 3.
Spiritual growth is required of the well rooted and built up Christian. As we look at Colossians 3:15-4:18, Paul writes of many areas where growth is needed in the Lord: In our worship, in giving thanks, in submitting to Godly authority, and so on. Friend, if you’re not well rooted, let today be the day…
In 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Paul writes that we are bound to give thanks for one another. How often are you thankful to God for those He has placed in your life? Let us also be living in a manner that gives a reason to others to give thanks to God for us!
From 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 it is clear that God wants His people to recognize that He is in control and that we should be thankful to Him as we go through life. Often we forget how blessed we are and take it all for granted, but let us find a moment to thank God for…
A simple thank you goes a long way. How often do we take time to thank God for all He’s done in our life? Too often, we’re more like the 9 that went on than the 1 that returned in Luke 17:11-19 to thank Jesus for healing him. There’s so much to thank God for…
This month we focus on being thankful, but is it truly part of our everyday life? Paul reminds us of the need to have a heart of gratitude in Colossians 3:12-17 – how thankful are you for what God has done?
We have so very much to be thankful for today! The Psalm writer reminds us in Psalm 116:16-18 and throughout scripture of the need to give thanks to our Creator. Friends, if we’d take more time thanking God for what we have, a lot of the world’s troubles would be no more. Let us thank…