The need to remember that we are being watched is ever before us. 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 reminds us that we’re to do all things to please God and to grow in Him as we walk through this life abstaining from the things that are not of God. Friend, will you strive to please God or…
Christ made it clear when He died for the church that it is an essential part of our lives! As stated in Matthew 16:18-20, the church is built upon Christ and we are to be busy about Kingdom work, no matter what is going on in the world around us.
Are you planted? Planted in the Word of God, rooted in the Spirit, drinking from the One Who promised we would never thirst again? Psalm 1 provides us with a great reminder that we must be firmly planted as Christians and as we look around us today, it should be even clearer to each of…
In 1 Corinthians 15:58 we see a challenge from Christ to be steadfast, unmovable, and abound in the work of our Lord and Savior. If we really want to live a fulfilling life, then we must be focused on the work of our Lord no matter what our career or position in life might be.…
Ultimately God is preparing us for eternity, yet what is the practical product of our preparation while we’re still here on Earth? We must consider how God wants us to be in His Word, focused and faithful to Him, relying on Him for our very sustenance each day. In 1 Samuel 18:12-16, we see the…
In 1 Samuel 16 & 17, we see the account of Saul sinning against God and David’s promotion from Shepherd to giant killer. As God prepared David to be king, we see that He used many events in David’s time as shepherd to prepare him for the encounter with the David, by growing his faith…
The Word of God – how precious is it to you? Is it precious enough to you that you’re willing to stake your whole reputation on it? In 1 Kings 18 we see that Elijah was willing to do that very thing as the Word of the Lord came to him and he obeyed. If…
When we hear the word perfect, we often think of perfection. Yet another aspect is completeness. As God works to perfect, or complete, His child, He’s helping us to grow in different ways. Our sin nature desires to pull us from this and causes us to want to do things our own way, yet God…
As American Christians, it is easy for us to be comfortable in our daily lives. But have you ever considered that when you are comfortable, you don’t need comfort, or a Comforter? We’re not meant to be comfortable in this world as we’re to take up the cause of Christ and prepare for eternity. We…
As Christians, we’re all aware, to some extent, that this life is preparation for eternity. Yet how often do we desire to not accept the preparation that God has for us? When we look at 1 Samuel 1, we see how Hannah to had to learn to accept the preparation that God had for her…