Our need as Christians is to be rooted and built up in Christ. Colossians 3:1-16 shows us our need to be maintaining our roots, maintaining our walk, as we grow and mature in Christ. Friends, time is short, if we’re going to use this life for Christ, today is the day!
As we look to grow and develop in our Christian walk, we must be rooted and built up in Jesus Christ. Paul makes this clear in Colossians 2:7 and throughout 2022 we make it our goal to be encouraged in Christ as we grow, remain steadfast, and look for opportunities to serve.
There must be a priority in the Christian’s life to grow spiritually. Peter, as he writes 2 Peter 3:1-18, reminds us to make that a priority. Life will throw many challenges our way, but God is in control and let us focus on our relationship with Him and sharing the gospel with those around us!
As we continue our study of 2 Peter, we look at 2 Peter 2:14-3:11 and how we will be tempted and how we can overcome as we grow in grace.
Jesus makes a statement in Luke 12:1-5 that we should all take to heart, in summary – fear your Creator Who controls your eternity. As we learn to love God and walk with Him, we’ll see our relationship with Jesus grow to one of love and a desire to please Him.
Part of growing our faith is having our faith tested. Peter talks about this in 1 Peter 1:3-7 and 1 Peter 4:12-13. Whether we look to God during these times and seek the growth or instead turn from Him is a decision we must make.
Faith is something we all have. But faith placed in the right things isn’t guaranteed. As a believer, our faith must be placed in Christ for salvation, and our faith show be growing as we see God at work. Peter gives us a clear list in 2 Peter 1:3-11 of how our faith must then…
As we sing the timeless hymn “Who is on the Lord’s Side” we’re reminded of the journey of the Israelites in Exodus 14:13-15:1. Facing a sea on one side and a vast army on the other, they had a choice – Trust God and journey to the other side of the sea or return to…
The Israelites had a choice presented to them in Exodus 14:9-20 when they faced the Red Sea – Trust God or trust man. God never gives up on us, He is always working to grow and mature His children. Sometimes more faith is needed, but in the end, what side of the sea are you…
The need to remember that we are being watched is ever before us. 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 reminds us that we’re to do all things to please God and to grow in Him as we walk through this life abstaining from the things that are not of God. Friend, will you strive to please God or…