As a nation, we no longer claim to be under God, but more that we’re done, or over, with God. In Isaiah 59:1-4 we see how God dealt with Israel when they went away from God. What will be our legacy? Will we recognize that the only way to succeed is when we’re under God?
In Acts 2:41-47 we read the great account of the early church coming together and many being saved through the unity and steadfastness that was among the believers at the time. When we think about our own lives here in America, we have so much freedom and safety that the persecution they faced is often…
What’s your religion? This question seems simple and we might be tempted to answer, “well, I’m Baptist” or some such thing. Yet the Bible teaches that God isn’t after a denominational affiliation, He’s after a relationship. When we come together to worship, let it be with purity and a true desire to seek after our…
Christ makes it clear in John 15:1-16 – Christians are to bear fruit! There are many different types – love, joy, peace, etc – and winning others to Christ. As we look at the example Christ set for us, how do we measure up? Are we bearing fruit?
The message of John 15:1-16 transcends time as we consider the need for the Christian of all ages to bear fruit. Part of that means that we have to allow the Master to prune us from time to time so that we can grow and be as fruitful as God knows we can be.
We all have skills and abilities, but did you know that God wants to take us beyond what you and I can do? God’s ways and plans are so much higher than ours, as we see in Isaiah 55:8-9, if we will but surrender to Him. Friend, if you haven’t begun the journey as a…
As we continue to look at what hinders us, 2 Timothy 2 lays out many different things that we can become entangled with. Some things are not bad in and of themselves, but when they hinder us from serving God to our fullest potential, we best take heed to the Word of God and seek…
The biggest hindrance for Christians is what we look at. Are we spending time looking at the holy or the lowly? If we dwell on the things of the world, we will be hindered, weighted down with these things that we let in – Psalm 101 shows us this contrast. Will we instead focus on…
Are you ready to get in the way for Christ and be used by Him? Great! But what are your motives? Are you seeking personal gain in this lifetime or do you do it for the honor and glory of our Savior and eternal reward? We all like to be recognized, but it’s clear in…
Are you ready to be used by God? Then get in the way so that God can use you! In Genesis 24, we see the great story of how a servant of Abraham was used by God by doing just that. Will you get in the way today?