In 1 Corinthians 16:13-16 Paul exhorts the Corinthians to be addicted to the ministry – are we?
Romans 12 presents the Christian with the plea from the Apostle Paul to present our lives to Christ as a living sacrifice. When we allow the Word of God and all the has been done for us by Him to seep into every fiber of our being, what a transformation that takes place!
Will we rob God? We all of course respond no! Yet how many of us do? This was an issue for Israel in Malachi 3:8-12 and it’s an issue for us today – we must prioritize God and invest in the eternal!
Making a difference in your circle of influence by keeping Jesus at the center is of utmost importance as we consider the predominance of evil in our nation. Asa, in 1 Kings 15:9-15, had no small task of making a difference as even his mother had turned away from God. Yet Asa had the courage…
How often do we think of being a servant to others? When we consider Eliezer in Genesis 24:1-27, he was given great responsibility as a servant of Abraham to find Isaac a bride. Christ Himself was the ultimate servant as He came to earth and bore our sins upon the cross. Who will we serve…
Everyone has a mother and they’ve all been an influence in our lives, one way or another. In 2 Timothy 1:5, we are reminded of a mother and grandmother who had a great influence in Timothy’s life. What a joy it is to celebrate Mothers!
Do we let our emotions get in the way of our service to God? Do we allow our priorities to get all jumbled up? Luke 10:38-42 reminds us that we need to set our priorities on God and allow Him to show us what needs to be done. Let us submit our hearts to Christ…
Our strength can only come from God. When we properly depend upon Him, we will have strength to overcome all things. 1 Samuel 17 reminds us of the great things we can do for God!
2 Timothy 2:1-21 encourages us as we endure for Christ Jesus though this life. Friends, we must not let the things of this world get in the way of the mission for which we were called – sharing the Gospel with those we encounter!
Mark 10:46-52 tells us of the encounter between Blind Bartimaeus and Jesus. This man realized his need for Jesus and wouldn’t let others stand in his way. What about us today? What is keeping us from Jesus? Is our faith bigger than our fear?