As we study 1 Thessalonians 2:1-3:5 we recognize the timelessness of the Word of God – it’s as true for us today as it was when Paul wrote it! Friends, as we look toward the return of our Savior, let us come together and worship our Creator.
We all have but one life to live, one life to give – what will we do with it? In Jude 1:22, we’re entreated to make a difference – to draw others to salvation. It is our cause, our calling, but it comes at a cost. Friend, let us be about our Savior’s business today!
Jesus paid it all, and He took care of it all, after the resurrection as He ascended up to Heaven and presented His blood. Ephesians 4:8-12 is one of many passages that give us a glimpse at all Jesus did after the resurrection for you and for me!
Many did not understand what the scriptures said and what Jesus had taught when it came to the resurrection as they were not expecting what happened! As we read the account in John 20:1-10 it becomes clear that they really didn’t understand. Yet how many today still don’t understand the Gospel message? Friend – He…
How prepared are we to meet Jesus? Many were not ready to meet Him when He walked the earth and many missed out because they didn’t know and understand the Scriptures. Yet everything He did was for us! In Matthew 21:1-16 we see how they really didn’t understand – yet how often are we in…
The Samaritans were always looked down upon by the Jews, but Jesus made the time to go through knowing that the woman at the well and those in the town would receive Him as Savior. Friend, are we taking the time to tell those around us about Jesus?
2 Timothy 2:1-21 encourages us as we endure for Christ Jesus though this life. Friends, we must not let the things of this world get in the way of the mission for which we were called – sharing the Gospel with those we encounter!
Mark 10:46-52 tells us of the encounter between Blind Bartimaeus and Jesus. This man realized his need for Jesus and wouldn’t let others stand in his way. What about us today? What is keeping us from Jesus? Is our faith bigger than our fear?
As Christ neared His death on the Cross for our sins, we see in John 15:15 that He brings His disciples together and calls them not servants, but friends. Is Jesus Christ your friend today? Are you seeking Him, desiring to know Him personally? Friend, we have a Savior who desires a personal relationship with…
From Micah 5:2 and other passages of the Old Testament we see the foretelling of the coming of our Savior. So many prophecies that Jesus fulfilled just in His birth – when God says He’s going to do it, He does!! What an amazing God we serve.