Pastor Tim Travis looks at New Year’s resolutions, using Philippians 3 as a biblical foundation. He argues against typical resolutions, advocating instead for a resolute commitment to spiritual growth modeled on Paul’s unwavering devotion to Christ. Pastor Travis emphasizes setting “SMART” goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) for deepening one’s relationship with God, including pursuing purity of mind,…
The Bible stands. Throughout time, as Psalm 12 declares, God’s Word has been maintained, preserved and pure. Friend, let’s take the time to read the Word and know our Creator!
The biggest hindrance for Christians is what we look at. Are we spending time looking at the holy or the lowly? If we dwell on the things of the world, we will be hindered, weighted down with these things that we let in – Psalm 101 shows us this contrast. Will we instead focus on…