The Bible is proven to be verbally inspired by God through the fulfillment of numerous prophecies throughout history. This includes Cyrus the Great becoming ruler of nations and freeing the captive people of God (Isaiah 44, 45); the rebuilding of Jerusalem and its temple (Isaiah 45); the destruction of Tyre and its transformation into a…
From Micah 5:2 and other passages of the Old Testament we see the foretelling of the coming of our Savior. So many prophecies that Jesus fulfilled just in His birth – when God says He’s going to do it, He does!! What an amazing God we serve.
Have you ever had someone not carry through on their promise to you? Unfortunately, this is all too common in our world. In Luke 24:13-49, Christ makes it clear that He is the fulfillment of many of God’s promises, and that He will fulfill more in the future. Friend, if you’re tired of broken promises,…