Pastor Tim Travis uses Psalm 1 to encourage Christian listeners to thrive, not just survive. He contrasts the blessed life described in Psalm 1— characterized by delight in God’s law, leading to flourishing like a tree planted by the river—with the fate of the ungodly. Travis emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s counsel, avoiding the influence of ungodly people, and…
Are you filling your daily need for nourishment from the Word of God and through prayer, or do you find yourself feeling kind of parched? In Jeremiah 17:5-10 we see that God wants us to be planted in the Word, nourished through our relationship with Him. Are you planted or parched today?
Are you planted? Planted in the Word of God, rooted in the Spirit, drinking from the One Who promised we would never thirst again? Psalm 1 provides us with a great reminder that we must be firmly planted as Christians and as we look around us today, it should be even clearer to each of…