Pastor Tim Travis’s series on Christian characteristics focuses on peacemaking as instructed in James 4:1-12 and Matthew 5:9. Pastor Travis identifies three types of conflict Christians face: internal struggles with lust and pride, interpersonal conflicts within the church, and spiritual warfare against worldly influences. Travis argues that the root cause of these conflicts is rebellion against God, stemming from…
Pastor Tim Travis preaches this Christmas sermon on the nativity story in Luke chapter 2. Pastor Travis emphasizes the importance of accepting Jesus Christ as one’s personal savior, highlighting that this is not about works or religious rituals, but a heartfelt belief. Travis uses the example of Mary and Joseph, ordinary and unqualified individuals chosen by God to…
Pastor Tim Travis focuses on the crucial role of gratitude in Christian faith. He uses biblical passages from Colossians 3 and Romans to argue that ingratitude leads to spiritual decline and moral failings, ultimately culminating in a self-centered existence. Pastor Travis contrasts this with a life of thankfulness, which fosters a deeper relationship with God, promotes…
Pastor Tim Travis preaches on the moral attribute of God’s righteousness beginning in Psalm 145:17 and Romans 1:16-17. Pastor Travis begins by defining righteousness and establishing its importance as a communicable attribute, meaning humans can strive to reflect it in their own lives. Travis emphasizes that the source of knowledge about God’s righteousness is the…
Adam Umpleby teaches from Titus 2:11-15 and uses the biblical story of Lot to warn Christians against succumbing to the temptations of the world. Umpleby asserts that while Christians are saved by God’s grace, they must actively resist the world’s influence, which he describes as having a prince (Satan), a philosophy, a purpose, and people.…
As followers of Christ, how are we to live? Peaceably. As much as we’re able. Join us as we study how to do this from Romans 12.
If we want to end war, we must learn how to end the war with self, others, and God. Join us as we study the Word of God together in James 4:1-12.
One of the many attributes of God is that He is our Comforter. In 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 we see the necessity to go to God for all our comfort instead of the things of this world. Whom will you depend on in your time of need?
When the angels proclaimed the birth of the Savior to the shepherds in Luke 2:8-29, the oft quoted phrase of peace on earth was proclaimed. But what came before that phrase? Glory to God in the highest! If we don’t glorify God, can there truly be peace in our lives?
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love. We see this in 2 Timothy 1:6-7 where God wants us to remember the great gift that we have in Him – eternal life! We can rest assured that God is in control and that He works all things together…