God has a plan for you that doesn’t matter what your past contained – will you trust God and let Him control your life? Join us as we look at God’s plan for our lives beginning in Genesis 50.
Fame? Fortune? Is that our desire? What about our Christian legacy? Moses found that his legacy before God and the Israelites was more important than power and prestige in the world empire at the time. Join us as we study from Hebrews 11.
Our salvation is a personal matter and so is living for Jesus every day – will we make it personal? Join us as we study together from Matthew 5-6.
Each of us has a choice in how we live out Christianity – will we be the salt? Will we stand for Jesus? Or will we try to blend in. Join us as we take it personal in our study of Matthew 5.
How personal is your faith? Many of us are content to walk through life doing the day to day, but Christ calls us to a higher level, a level of personal interaction, of accountability, of reaching the world around us – will you be involved? Join us as we take it personal from Matthew 5.
Are we about our Father’s business or has the world enticed us and distracted us? Join us as we study together from Romans 6.
We all have choices to make each and every day. Not all of them are life altering, but when we make decisions that don’t follow the standards of God we establish a pattern that leads to destruction. Join us as we stud how to make wise choices from the Word of God beginning in Galatians…
A look at the beatitudes from Matthew 5 – Join us!
The hope we have in Jesus brings us harmony and love one toward another. Join as we study the Word of God together from 1 Peter 2:1-8.
As followers of Christ, how are we to live? Peaceably. As much as we’re able. Join us as we study how to do this from Romans 12.