As Christ neared His death on the Cross for our sins, we see in John 15:15 that He brings His disciples together and calls them not servants, but friends. Is Jesus Christ your friend today? Are you seeking Him, desiring to know Him personally? Friend, we have a Savior who desires a personal relationship with…
Are we growing in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior? In 2 Peter 1:1-16 Peter reminds us of this need as we mature in Christ.
2 Corinthians 1:3-7 reminds us that as believers, God is our comforter. We can take all things to Him at all times and He will be there for us.
The world has lost the fear of the Lord as they seek to do whatever they want. As a result, we see more and more chaos and disorder. Yet the Bible reminds us in Proverbs 19:23 that the fear of the Lord is necessary for a satisfied, peaceful life.
2 Timothy 3 warns us of the things we will see in the last days as people turn from God and go their own way. We’ve seen a great decline in Americans have come to depend on their wealth and prosperity instead of their Creator. What about you today? Do you continue to give credit…
There’s a myth that God is impersonal, not caring about our lives and what we do. Yet the opposite is what we see in the Bible. God is a personal, involved God who wants a relationship with each of us. In Genesis 4:1-16, we see that even in our sin, God is there, waiting for…
Can I know God? Does He care about me? Or is He uncaring and just watching and laughing? If we will but study the Word of God, it is clear that from the beginning in Genesis 1:26-27 that God cares very much about each of us and wants a deep relationship with us as individuals.