Pastor Tim Travis uses Isaiah 40:28-31 as a framework to encourage listeners to thrive in the new year by understanding and relying on God. He argues that a lack of knowledge and hearing of God’s word leads to ineffectiveness, urging the congregation to immerse themselves in the Bible and to be mindful of what they allow into their minds. Pastor Travis…
Pastor Tim Travis looks at New Year’s resolutions, using Philippians 3 as a biblical foundation. He argues against typical resolutions, advocating instead for a resolute commitment to spiritual growth modeled on Paul’s unwavering devotion to Christ. Pastor Travis emphasizes setting “SMART” goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) for deepening one’s relationship with God, including pursuing purity of mind,…
Pastor Travis explores God’s omniscience, emphasizing its comforting implications for Christians today. Omniscience is God’s all-knowing nature, which is shown throughout the Bible. God’s omniscience assures us of our salvation, showing us that God knows each of us fully and offers unconditional acceptance. Pastor Travis further highlights how God’s omniscience ensures our present and future provision, urging us…
This sermon introduces our study of the attributes of God where we will look at His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. Pastor Travis emphasizes that God possesses perfect knowledge of all things, including nature, human experience, and history. He reminds listeners that God is all-powerful, as seen in creation and His interactions with humanity and even Satan. Furthermore, God…
There is instilled within us a deep desire for certainty. Some people will even dabble in the occult in an effort to find out something for sure. Real life is built on certainties that are found in Jesus Christ. Join us as study together from the Word of God in 1 John 5:1-21.
More. As we look at the year ahead, we all have a decision to make. Will we do more for Jesus or will we stagnate. God wants to reveals Himself more and more to us, but this is only possible as we abide in Him and do His will for our lives. Join us as…
When we follow the life of Joseph in Genesis 37 onward, we see that he has many storms in his life. But have you considered what he did between the storms? He stayed focused on God! Will we do likewise?
The world is busy doing what is right in its own eyes and wrong in the eyes of God much like Israel did in Judges 21:25. Will we, as followers of Christ, choose a different path? Will we choose to be led by God’s wisdom and the knowledge He provides through the Bible?
We can all fail in the time of temptation and we must learn the devices of Satan so that Satan does not gain the advantage on us, as warned about in 2 Corinthians 2:10-11. Understand the temptations, understand the methods, understand the compromise, see it God’s way and live for Him!
How well are we calling upon and seeking God? As we study Jeremiah 29:11-14, we recognize the need for a desire to love and know God. Do you long for His presence? Are you willing to forsake those things that draw you away from Him? Friends, time is short, let us focus on the eternal!