Sermons on Knowing God


Pastor Tim Travis looks at New Year’s resolutions, using Philippians 3 as a biblical foundation. He argues against typical resolutions, advocating instead for a resolute commitment to spiritual growth modeled on Paul’s unwavering devotion to Christ. Pastor Travis emphasizes setting “SMART” goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) for deepening one’s relationship with God, including pursuing purity of mind,…

Attributes of God (Part 2)

Pastor Travis explores God’s omniscience, emphasizing its comforting implications for Christians today. Omniscience is God’s all-knowing nature, which is shown throughout the Bible. God’s omniscience assures us of our salvation, showing us that God knows each of us fully and offers unconditional acceptance. Pastor Travis further highlights how God’s omniscience ensures our present and future provision, urging us…

The Attributes of God (Part 1)

This sermon introduces our study of the attributes of God where we will look at His omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. Pastor Travis emphasizes that God possesses perfect knowledge of all things, including nature, human experience, and history. He reminds listeners that God is all-powerful, as seen in creation and His interactions with humanity and even Satan. Furthermore, God…