Evidence that points to God is all around us, yet still men reject the truth of Salvation and the existence of our Creator. Proverbs 16:25 makes it clear that this is the way of mankind, but it is a way that leads to death. Friend, will you accept the truth today?
The Bible is full of warnings to nations who’s god is not God. Isaiah 5:7-23 reminds us of what happens as we depart from the ways of God. Will we stand firm in the teachings of God or go the way of the world?
There is often uncertainty today over what the truth is. God leaves us with no doubt when it comes to the truth about Him. Galatians 1:6-18 remind us to cling to the truth, to not go after other gospels or teaches that we might fancy, but to cling to the truth of salvation.
Jesus warns us over and over again about deception. In Matthew 24:4-6, 11, 24 we see some of these warnings to us. Christ reminds us that we must cling to the truth and be so familiar with God’s Word that we easily recognize things that would lead us from the truth of God.
There’s a myth that God is impersonal, not caring about our lives and what we do. Yet the opposite is what we see in the Bible. God is a personal, involved God who wants a relationship with each of us. In Genesis 4:1-16, we see that even in our sin, God is there, waiting for…
The God of the Bible is not one shrouded in mystery, but one Who is revealed to us in detail. As we study the detail, we see so much about His love toward us, imperfect that we may be, and how He has a plan for each and every one of us. Romans 1:18-32 reminds…
Do we have wisdom from God today, or do we depend upon our own wisdom? James 3:13-18 remind us of the importance of the wisdom from above! Especially when things are uncertain, when things don’t go the way we expect, that’s when we needs God’s wisdom. God’s wisdom, is it in you?
The world wants us to believe that truth is relative – whatever is true for you is fine for you. But God makes it clear in His Word that truth is relative to Him. We must therefore look to Him and His Word to discern that which is true. From 3 John 1-4 we are…