Sermons on God's Purpose

Thrive (Part 9)

Pastor Tim Travis uses Daniel 1 to encourage listeners to thrive in the new year by centering our lives on the Bible. He focuses on Daniel’s choice not to defile himself with the king’s food, highlighting Daniel’s purpose in his heart to honor God’s will despite potential consequences. Travis urges the listener to “purpose” our hearts toward God’s will, “prove”…

Thrive (Part 6)

Pastor Tim Travis uses Philippians 3 to urge Christians toward a life of spiritual thriving, not merely survival. The core message centers on the individual’s responsibility—emphasized by the repeated use of “I”—to press toward a divinely-ordained mark, a metaphorical target representing one’s purpose in life, which is achieved through a dedicated spiritual life of prayer and Bible…

His Purpose, My Priority (Part 5)

Pastor Tim Travis centers on the idea of “His Purpose, My Priority,” using scriptural passages from 1 Thessalonians and Acts to illustrate God’s plan for each individual. Pastor Travis emphasizes that God has a unique and specific purpose for everyone, and this purpose is not defined by external factors like wealth, status, or physical characteristics.…