Pastor Tim Travis explores the Christian characteristic of faithfulness, grounding his teaching in Matthew 24:42-51 and other biblical passages. He emphasizes that faithfulness to God leads to faithfulness in all aspects of life, including relationships and responsibilities. Travis argues that while the world often prioritizes self-interest, true faithfulness requires being true to God first. Pastor Travis outlines God’s…
Pastor Tim Travis focuses on the importance of steadfastness, immovability, and abounding in the work of the Lord for Christians. He uses biblical passages, particularly from 1 Corinthians 15:58, to support his argument that believers should maintain their faith, consistently grow spiritually, and actively engage in spreading the Gospel. Pastor Travis incorporates Winston Churchill’s famous…
Pastor Tim Travis teaches on the moral attribute of God’s faithfulness from Lamentations 3:21-23. Pastor Travis emphasizes that God’s faithfulness is not a passive quality but a dynamic, living force that actively works in our lives. He argues that while we may be tempted to focus on our own faith, the true focus should be…
The importance of fathers in a family that follows the Bible cannot be over stated. As we look to the Bible, we examine the lives of biblical figures such as Joshua, David, Solomon, and Rehoboam. Through these figures, Pastor Tim emphasizes that the choices and actions of a father, particularly in regard to their faith,…
What is a church that doesn’t center around the importance and power of preaching the Word of God? Pastor Tim emphasizes the pastor’s duty to preach the Word faithfully, drawing from the example of Paul’s instructions to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4, while stressing that preaching should involve proclaiming the truth boldly, regardless of its…
In this message, Pastor Tim centers on the danger of forgetting God’s past faithfulness. Pastor emphasizes this point by drawing parallels between the Israelites’ experiences and the tendency to focus on present difficulties. Pastor Tim urges us to actively cultivate remembrance of God’s blessings, suggesting a practical exercise of writing down even small instances of…
Are we faithful and wise? God wants us to be dependable as we walk with Him and there is a great need for those that are found faithful in the church today. Join us as we study the Word of God together from Matthew 24:42-51.
Many today have found it much more convenient to be fickle than to be found faithful. Chasing after easy money, the next job, or no job at all. Yet Scripture is clear, we are to be faithful in all that is before us for we cannot be faithful to Jesus if we’re unfaithful in life.…
Many in the world today choose to put the priority on self instead of others, things that won’t last instead of God and eternal matters. Jude warns us of this and reminds us to not be like those we encounter, but to keep our focus on Christ and to build our faith in Him.
As we follow God, we should come to expect great things from God as we attempt great things for Him. Isaiah, in Isaiah 54:1-4, wanted Israel to trust God, to enlarge the place of their tent, to prepare for what God had for them. Today, what are we doing? What are our expectations?