Sermons on Faithful

Christian Characteristics (Part 9) – Remaining Faithful

Pastor Tim Travis explores the Christian characteristic of faithfulness, grounding his teaching in Matthew 24:42-51 and other biblical passages. He emphasizes that faithfulness to God leads to faithfulness in all aspects of life, including relationships and responsibilities. Travis argues that while the world often prioritizes self-interest, true faithfulness requires being true to God first. Pastor Travis outlines God’s…

Christian Characteristics (Part 2) – Steadfast, Unmovable, Abounding

Pastor Tim Travis focuses on the importance of steadfastness, immovability, and abounding in the work of the Lord for Christians. He uses biblical passages, particularly from 1 Corinthians 15:58, to support his argument that believers should maintain their faith, consistently grow spiritually, and actively engage in spreading the Gospel. Pastor Travis incorporates Winston Churchill’s famous…

The Moral Attributes of God (Part 3) – Faithfulness

Pastor Tim Travis teaches on the moral attribute of God’s faithfulness from Lamentations 3:21-23. Pastor Travis emphasizes that God’s faithfulness is not a passive quality but a dynamic, living force that actively works in our lives. He argues that while we may be tempted to focus on our own faith, the true focus should be…

In Memory

In this message, Pastor Tim centers on the danger of forgetting God’s past faithfulness. Pastor emphasizes this point by drawing parallels between the Israelites’ experiences and the tendency to focus on present difficulties. Pastor Tim urges us to actively cultivate remembrance of God’s blessings, suggesting a practical exercise of writing down even small instances of…