Exalting Jesus is essential for all aspects of life, including individuals, families, nations, and churches. Failure to do so brings negative consequences, such as societal decline, family issues, personal struggles, and ineffective churches. Prioritizing Jesus, inviting Him into all aspects of life, and recognizing our dependence on Him are crucial for living a fulfilling and…
To exalt the Savior, we must prioritize others over our own interests, humbling ourselves and seeking to serve others. By doing so, we are not only obeying Jesus’ teachings but also setting an example for others. When Jesus came to Earth, He willingly took on a humble and servant’s role, even to the point of…
To honor Christ and fulfill His purpose, we must exalt Him. Jesus has delivered us from darkness and reconciled us to God, redeeming us through His blood and forgiving our sins (Colossians 1:13-14). He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, and the preeminent authority over all things (vv. 15-17).…