Are you ready for the wedding feast? In Ephesians 5:23-25 we’re reminded of Christ’s love for the church – so great that He gave His life for it! What about us today? Are we looking for His coming and showing the way to those around us?
Daniel is such an example of what it means to live a life on purpose for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In Daniel 1:5-8, we see that even as a teen, Daniel knew he was going to live right before God, even when he didn’t have to and the world wanted him to go…
As a Christian, we might sometimes wonder if it’s all worth it, why bother, why go to church and be faithful in tithing. Yet when Christ asked the disciples this in John 6:67-71, the answer is clear to all of us – Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.