Pastor Tim Travis explores the critical concept of “walking in the Spirit” as a defining characteristic of Christian life, drawing primarily from Galatians 5:13-26. He emphasizes that while Christians have been granted liberty, this freedom should not be an excuse for indulging in “the flesh,” but rather an opportunity to serve others in love. Travis…
Adam Umpleby focuses on the book of Titus, specifically Titus 2:11-15, where he emphasizes the concept of God’s grace as unmerited favor bestowed upon us through Christ’s sacrifice, regardless of our worthiness. He argues that we should not despise grace by living worldly lives but embrace it by living soberly, righteously, and godly, actively seeking salvation and transformation through faith in Christ. The…
Pastor Tim Travis explores the principle of aligning one’s life purpose with God’s purpose. Using the conversion of Saul (later known as Paul) in Acts 9 as a pivotal example, Pastor Travis emphasizes the idea of a transformed life purpose. He stresses that God may interrupt our plans and call us to a different path for…
To overcome spiritual obstacles, individuals must fully immerse themselves in faith like jumping into the Jordan River. This involves: 1) avoiding complacency and hesitancy, 2) getting rid of dependency on superficial support systems, 3) stepping outside of comfort zones, 4) letting go of worldly attachments, 5) embracing a dedicated and consistent Christian lifestyle, 6) persevering…
Our salvation is a personal matter and so is living for Jesus every day – will we make it personal? Join us as we study together from Matthew 5-6.
Each of us has a choice in how we live out Christianity – will we be the salt? Will we stand for Jesus? Or will we try to blend in. Join us as we take it personal in our study of Matthew 5.
Jesus, our Living Hope provides us many ways in which to improve our lives as we follow His Word. Join us as we study together from 1 Peter 2:11-3:15.
There is a battle for the soul of mankind that continues even after the eternal destiny of that soul is settled. We must be cautious as we walk in this life and not let Satan get a grip. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 serve as the reminder that we are to run to attain the prize, to…
Our study of Thessalonians continues as we look at 1 Thessalonians 5 and some of the things of the end times as well as attributes for our lives as we learn to pray without ceasing.
Are we walking in and by faith each day? Matthew 14:22-32 reminds us how Peter walked on water until he took his eyes off of Jesus. Yet that is a fact of life, we all look away – but how quickly do we turn back to Christ?