The dispensation of Grace, also called the age of Grace or the church age, is the age in which we now live. It began with a New Covenant in Christ’s blood (Luke 22). This dispensation occurs between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel, as found in Daniel 9:24-26. It started with the death and…
In this message, Pastor Tim centers on the danger of forgetting God’s past faithfulness. Pastor emphasizes this point by drawing parallels between the Israelites’ experiences and the tendency to focus on present difficulties. Pastor Tim urges us to actively cultivate remembrance of God’s blessings, suggesting a practical exercise of writing down even small instances of…
During the Dispensation of Law, the Israelites’ repeated failures to uphold their end of the Mosaic Covenant characterized this time period. Despite witnessing God’s miraculous power in delivering them from Egypt, they quickly succumbed to doubt and disobedience. This pattern of disobedience continued throughout the period of the Judges, with the source highlighting the recurring…
In this message, Pastor Tim emphasizes that Christians should not be ashamed or embarrassed to share the Gospel. He encourages Christians to be bold and share their faith publicly, even in the face of potential persecution. Pastor emphasizes that sharing the Gospel should be a priority for Christians and that boldness is essential for effective…
Mothers have a profound influence on their children and the world. Throughout history, women have used their influence for both good and evil. Some biblical examples of women using their influence for good include Eve, Sarah, Esther, and Hannah. These women demonstrated faith, patience, courage, and wisdom in their roles as mothers and leaders. They…
During the Dispensation of Promise, God worked with Abraham to establish a great nation, Israel. This covenant promised blessings to Abraham, his descendants, and all who blessed them. Failure to believe this promise resulted in consequences, as seen in the cases of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Despite the failures of individuals, God remained faithful to…
The Great Commission requires us to share the gospel. With God’s power, we are commanded to teach all nations, baptizing them and discipling them to follow Jesus. Though it may not be easy, we must prioritize this task, as it is essential for the salvation of others and the fulfillment of God’s purpose. Our study…
Following the Great Flood, God implemented the dispensation of human government, reestablishing man’s dominion over animals and granting them authority to consume meat with certain limitations. God established a covenant with Noah, symbolized by the rainbow, promising never to destroy the Earth with a flood again. However, a blessing and a curse were pronounced on…
Exalting Jesus is essential for all aspects of life, including individuals, families, nations, and churches. Failure to do so brings negative consequences, such as societal decline, family issues, personal struggles, and ineffective churches. Prioritizing Jesus, inviting Him into all aspects of life, and recognizing our dependence on Him are crucial for living a fulfilling and…
The dispensation of conscience began after the fall of man and lasted 1600 years until the flood. During this time, humans possessed an innate awareness of right and wrong, known as conscience. This conscience could judge, warn, and weigh actions, serving as an internal standard for ethical behavior. However, sin could impair conscience, leading to…