There’s a myth that God is impersonal, not caring about our lives and what we do. Yet the opposite is what we see in the Bible. God is a personal, involved God who wants a relationship with each of us. In Genesis 4:1-16, we see that even in our sin, God is there, waiting for…
What’s your religion? This question seems simple and we might be tempted to answer, “well, I’m Baptist” or some such thing. Yet the Bible teaches that God isn’t after a denominational affiliation, He’s after a relationship. When we come together to worship, let it be with purity and a true desire to seek after our…
The God of the Bible is not one shrouded in mystery, but one Who is revealed to us in detail. As we study the detail, we see so much about His love toward us, imperfect that we may be, and how He has a plan for each and every one of us. Romans 1:18-32 reminds…
When God created us, He created us with an innate desire to worship. God’s desire for our worship is not hidden, as it is clearly called out in the Bible. John 4:21-26 reminds us of our need to worship our Creator in Spirit and in Truth in a manner that is according to His Word.
Many have this idea that becoming a Christian means life will be easy. That is far from the truth and far from what the Word of God teaches. What God tells us in James 1:3-6,12 is that these trials are allowed in our lives to allow us to be drawn closer to God, to depend…
Can I know God? Does He care about me? Or is He uncaring and just watching and laughing? If we will but study the Word of God, it is clear that from the beginning in Genesis 1:26-27 that God cares very much about each of us and wants a deep relationship with us as individuals.
When it comes to worshiping our Creator, are we on our own, or does He tell us what He wants? As we study the Word of God, we find that we don’t have to use our imagination, but that God has given us instruction for this important area of our lives and relationship with Him.…
Persecution is going to come in the Christian’s life who is living for Jesus Christ. It is important for us to remember the context of Matthew 5:10-12, however, realizing that it’s when we’re living for Jesus that we’ll be blessed for it! Are you facing persecution for Christ’s sake today? Then take heart in knowing…
Christ made it clear when He died for the church that it is an essential part of our lives! As stated in Matthew 16:18-20, the church is built upon Christ and we are to be busy about Kingdom work, no matter what is going on in the world around us.
Galatians 5:22-26 teaches us of the many fruits of the Spirit that a Christian should exhibit. How are we doing with our long suffering? Are we following God in the area of having solid faith in Him? Do we walk as Moses did with meekness? Christ is never done with His work in us and…