As a nation, we no longer claim to be under God, but more that we’re done, or over, with God. In Isaiah 59:1-4 we see how God dealt with Israel when they went away from God. What will be our legacy? Will we recognize that the only way to succeed is when we’re under God?
Reading Matthew 4:1-11 gives us insight, as followers of Christ, on how we should follow Christ’s example in dealing with temptation in our lives. Satan continues to use the same tactics today – will we learn from the example of Christ and keep the Word of God ever in our minds?
Have you ever had someone not carry through on their promise to you? Unfortunately, this is all too common in our world. In Luke 24:13-49, Christ makes it clear that He is the fulfillment of many of God’s promises, and that He will fulfill more in the future. Friend, if you’re tired of broken promises,…
When my heart is overwhelmed, we are reminded in Psalm 61 to go to the Rock that is higher and mightier than I am. God is in control, we must trust in Him!
We each face the temptation to sin – usually on a daily or hourly basis. How did Christ deal with His adversary in this? Matthew 4:1-11 is provided to us as an example of our need to be in the Word of God and in prayer to rely upon God.
As a follower of Christ, did you know you have sanctification? 2 Thessalonians 2:12-17 talks about the blessing that sanctification is to the believer.
In Acts 2:41-47 we read the great account of the early church coming together and many being saved through the unity and steadfastness that was among the believers at the time. When we think about our own lives here in America, we have so much freedom and safety that the persecution they faced is often…
Many times in scripture we see the word repent. What does it mean? Many have applied it wrongly, so let’s look at what the Word of God says in Luke 13:1-5 and other passages and see how it relates to our salvation.
The apostle Paul challenges us a Christians to stay the course, to be faithful, to cling to the things of God and focus on eternal things. Did he know what he was talking about in Acts 20:22-25 and other places? A study of his life shows that he did! So how do we faithfully stay…
God has shown us tremendous grace, but what are we doing with it? 1 Peter 4:10 reminds us that we are to be good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Let us therefore not grow weary of tending to the things God has given us and excel in managing God’s grace!