The apostle Paul challenges us a Christians to stay the course, to be faithful, to cling to the things of God and focus on eternal things. Did he know what he was talking about in Acts 20:22-25 and other places? A study of his life shows that he did! So how do we faithfully stay…
God has shown us tremendous grace, but what are we doing with it? 1 Peter 4:10 reminds us that we are to be good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Let us therefore not grow weary of tending to the things God has given us and excel in managing God’s grace!
Today’s view of adoption doesn’t carry with it the full weight of what it means to the Christian. Galatians 4:4-7 tells us how we are adopted in to the family of God, made joint heirs with Christ, redeemed, and able to cry Abba, Father. What a privilege it is to be adopted in!
As churches that follow Christ, we must heed the warnings of Scripture. 1 Thessalonians 5 contains many reminders of the need for us to be vigilant and wary as the last days draw ever nearer, while we watch for the return of Christ.
Christ, our propitiation! Romans 3:23-31 discusses this, but what does it mean? Listen to the explanation in this sermon!
The need to remember that we are being watched is ever before us. 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 reminds us that we’re to do all things to please God and to grow in Him as we walk through this life abstaining from the things that are not of God. Friend, will you strive to please God or…
When we consider a good soldier, we often consider the hardened, battle worn soldier who stood strong in battle and endured until the end as he relied upon his training to get him through. Likewise, in 2 Timothy 2:1-4, we are reminded of the need for us to be good soldiers for Christ, willing to…
Praise the Lord that He regenerates us when we’re saved! In John 3:1-22 we see Christ explaining this to Nicodemus on our need to have the very nature of God placed within us.
In 1 Thessalonians 1:6-10 Paul exhorts the church of Thessalonica for being an ensample to the other churches. What about us today? Are we being a picture of what we’re to be to those within and without our church? Let us join together as we stand firm on the Word of God, unwavering and faithful…
When Paul wrote the the church of Thessalonica in 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:13, he lauded them for the example they were. As we think about our church, are we being an example to those around us? Are we a faithful church that strives to do the work of Christ?