How are we to live in Christ? Perhaps, as we consider Matthew 8:5-13, we find ourselves lacking faith to fully believe in all that Christ has for us? Yet that is what He’s waiting for us to do, trust Him, believe Him, follow Him, depend on Him!
The church is comprised of people who have made a decision about Jesus. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus states that He will build His church. From this we see that Christ will take care of of all our needs as we trust in Him. Are we, His church, ready for His return? Are we doing what…
Many in the world today choose to put the priority on self instead of others, things that won’t last instead of God and eternal matters. Jude warns us of this and reminds us to not be like those we encounter, but to keep our focus on Christ and to build our faith in Him.
Are we caught up in the affairs of life or the affairs of Christ? Are we taking steps to draw nigh to Christ? In James 4:7-10 we’re exhorted to be close to Christ and seek Him out so that we can enjoy our relationship with our Savior!
Christ’s dialog with His disciples in Matthew 16:13-20 reveal to us that it is and always will be Christ Who builds the church. We, by necessity, must do our part to serve Christ, but we must trust in Him to do the building. Are we willing to give it our all today so that we…
As we look at Jude we see a need for us to be alert, aware of what’s going on around us in the world as Christians so that we seek God and His protection for our lives, our families, and our church. We must be aware of the danger around us, we must be in…
As we mature in our Christian walk, we will find ourselves more and more in Christ. Paul provides insight into what this means in 2 Timothy 2:19-22 as we look to be a vessel that God can use each day!
In studying 3 John we cannot help but notice the need for the Christian to be walking in the truth. The world does not need any more liars, any more folk tellers, but individuals who are prepared and willing to walk in and stand for that which is true. God’s Word is truth, do you…
Galatians 6:7-9 is an important reminder that God misses nothing – what we sow, we will reap, there are no crop failures in life. Friends, we need to make sure we’re taking the time to sow in the Spirit and not in the flesh, for all that is done in the flesh will see corruption,…
As Christians there’s a need for us to unite as we serve God in the important ministry of bringing people to Christ. Mark 2:1-12 gives us the account of 4 men who worked together to bring one sick to Jesus to be healed. If they hadn’t worked together, that man’s life would have been much…