Emotions affect even the greatest of prophets. In 1 Kings 19:1-8 we’re told how Elijah, fresh off of a victory, had to allow God to teach him how to deal with his emotions. Friend, let us allow God to help us!
We must be rooted in Christ and to fully accomplish that, there are things in our lives that we must root out. Deuteronomy 29:24-29 reminds us of this need as those in Israel refused to obey the Word and lost out of the blessing. Friend, it is sin that keeps us from the good that…
Our study of 1 Timothy begins!
Emotions. God gave them to us for a reason. In Judges 14 we read a familiar passage and are reminded that emotions are to be a gauge, not a guide. Let us learn to depend upon God as He guides us!
It is important for the Christian to be firmly rooted in the local church. We are called to be involved, to be faithful, and to belong so that we can flourish in our ability to serve Jesus. God Himself tells us of this in Psalm 92:13-15!
Our concluding study of 2 Timothy.
Our continued study of 2 Timothy.
The Samaritans were always looked down upon by the Jews, but Jesus made the time to go through knowing that the woman at the well and those in the town would receive Him as Savior. Friend, are we taking the time to tell those around us about Jesus?
How we need to be in the Word of God today! 1 Thessalonians 2:13 reminds us of the great need to be rooted in the Word of God so that we can effectively work and grow in Christ. Friend, are you taking time in the Word of God today?
2 Timothy 2:1-21 encourages us as we endure for Christ Jesus though this life. Friends, we must not let the things of this world get in the way of the mission for which we were called – sharing the Gospel with those we encounter!