As we conclude our study of 1 Timothy with 1 Timothy 5, Paul closes with many helpful reminders to today’s Christian as we deal with elders, honor widows, and look to live blameless before men.
How well are we calling upon and seeking God? As we study Jeremiah 29:11-14, we recognize the need for a desire to love and know God. Do you long for His presence? Are you willing to forsake those things that draw you away from Him? Friends, time is short, let us focus on the eternal!
Jesus paid it all, and He took care of it all, after the resurrection as He ascended up to Heaven and presented His blood. Ephesians 4:8-12 is one of many passages that give us a glimpse at all Jesus did after the resurrection for you and for me!
Many did not understand what the scriptures said and what Jesus had taught when it came to the resurrection as they were not expecting what happened! As we read the account in John 20:1-10 it becomes clear that they really didn’t understand. Yet how many today still don’t understand the Gospel message? Friend – He…
Do we let our emotions get in the way of our service to God? Do we allow our priorities to get all jumbled up? Luke 10:38-42 reminds us that we need to set our priorities on God and allow Him to show us what needs to be done. Let us submit our hearts to Christ…
How prepared are we to meet Jesus? Many were not ready to meet Him when He walked the earth and many missed out because they didn’t know and understand the Scriptures. Yet everything He did was for us! In Matthew 21:1-16 we see how they really didn’t understand – yet how often are we in…
Are you an example to other Christians? This is one of the many things that Paul encourages Timothy to be as we study 1 Timothy 4:1-5:8 in this lesson!
Emotions are part of who God created us to be, but emotions out of control are not a good thing. Matthew 11:28-30 remind us of the need to submit our emotions to God and allow Him to direct our ways and not our emotions.
Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God robed in human flesh, the perfect sacrifice – there is no salvation. When we consider 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, we learn that our faith is only possible because Jesus is Who He said He is!
How we need to pray for those in authority in America! In 1 Timothy 2-3 we’re taught this great truth among many others. Join us in our study!