Am I a good Christian example that others can follow? Paul was able to answer this question with a yes in Philippians 3:17-19 as he encouraged others to follow him as he followed Christ. What about you today? Are you living for Jesus? There are people watching us, waiting for us to be faithful, so…
A look at the third of seven Baptist Distinctives.
There is a battle for the soul of mankind that continues even after the eternal destiny of that soul is settled. We must be cautious as we walk in this life and not let Satan get a grip. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 serve as the reminder that we are to run to attain the prize, to…
As we examine ourselves we must focus on our relationship with God. 1 Corinthians 16:13-16 remind us to submit to God so that we can be dedicated to serving Him. Friends, let us encourage one another as we seek to serve our Savior together!
A look at the second of seven Baptist Distinctives.
A look at 7 Baptist distinctives.
We all face choices. Some choices are less consequential than others. How do we know to make right choices? What’s the criteria? Let’s look at Genesis 13:1-13 together and see what lessons God has for us on making right choices!
2 Corinthians 13:5-8 makes it clear that we are to examine ourselves on a regular basis. Firstly, do you know that you’re saved? If you are, are you transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ?
As followers of Christ we must stand true to the Word of God. Many question why we do things the way we do and why we are not certain other things. In this lesson we look at some of the Charismatic statements and compare to what the Word of God teaches us in 1 John…
As we learn to live by the priorities God has set for us, life makes more sense. In Luke 10:38-42, Martha was doing a good thing, but she still struggled to place God first in her life. Folks, let’s all have a heart that desires to serve, but one that also knows when to stop…